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  • Your Marketing May Not Be Working And You May Not Even Know It

    Leadership. Open minds. Parking your Ego. Gathering previously unknown information. Understanding Real Strategic Marketing vs. Digital Marketing. Strategic Mindset vs Tactical Mindset. These are the critical components that will allow you, as a leader in an organization, to facilitate business growth in an organized and logical way. It will enable you to navigate the waters of complexity and [...]

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    The days of compartmentalizing business functions into tightly controlled areas of influence (like marketing, sales, operations etc) are long gone - we just need to accept this Change Reality and buy into a new way of thinking: Business Growth. "Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning."  Thomas Edison It is no coincidence that Edison had the foresight and [...]

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    Question: Why is a marketer with strategic insight, a business sense, and an eye for opportunity so valuable in a business? Answer: He will be the first person to identify growth opportunities. How does he do it? He walks in the shoes of your customer and can identify what you need to do for that customer to attract him to your company.  It is this ability and insight that most people in a [...]

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    I have been saying this for years.  Change is upon us and as a business executive or leader making important decisions you only have 2 choices: either embrace change or become a casualty.  It really is as simple as that. Just ask Target, Sony, Mexx, Smart Set, Jacob, Holt Renfrew (some stores), Sears Canada, Future Shop who are just some of the high profile casualties.  Ask some of the Wal Mart[...]

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    So, marketing is simple - right?  All you need to think about is advertising, social media, websites, PR etc etc. This is a new world - Think again and face up to the reality that marketing is much more complex and expansive than you ever imagined. And if you think you can deal with it on your own, then take a look at the infographic below.  Prepare to be overwhelmed.  And this is just the [...]

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    Technology and marketing are closing ranks and becoming more and more interdependent.  But that isn't where it stops.  The key component of this marriage of convenience and necessity is strategy - it is the glue that binds them together. Digital tools can become difference makers Whether we like it or not, the digital world, with software technology at the centre, is driving our new reality. [...]

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    How many times have you seen or experienced (first hand) the following scenario: A company announces a new strategy with much fanfare and excitement and one year later, despite all the “work” that goes into it, it seems to be failing miserably. The most critical question to ask is: was the new strategy implemented fully, with the new attitude and approach that was recommended, or was the [...]

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    Recently I have been reading, with interest, numerous articles about why strategy is dead. While these articles are indeed well thought out, I get the sense that the perspective being put forward is based on the fact that strategic thinking is static, and that the natural evolutionary process of change is not a part of that strategic perspective. And I am not just talking about refreshing ones [...]

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    So, I read with a wry smile on my face about the new Canadian Ant-Spam Legislation (CASL) and how many people hate it with a passion.  Don't get me wrong, I too am not a fan of CASL, however businesses have two options in dealing with it: Bitch, moan, complain, write letters, lie down and die etc etc - and this may even create a change in the legislation if the feedback becomes strong enough, [...]

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    Mastermind Solutions, a Toronto based management consulting organization that focuses on business growth through strategy, marketing, finance and organizational design and Corporate Renaissance Group (CRGroup), a leading provider of business software and performance management solutions, today announced a strategic alliance to bring a full suite of complementary services to the mid-market business[...]

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