• Helping Businesses
    Grow Profitably

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  • Organizational Design

  • A unique organizational design technology that enables businesses to have:

    • The right organizational structure
    • The right people
    • The right accountabilities
    • The right leadership practices

    This will result in your having:

    • Growth of 20% to 40% without major capital infusion
    • Greater employee satisfaction and retention
    • Improved customer relations
    • Heightened capacity to be a leader in your industry
    • Increased productivity, profits and growth
    • Increased market share
    • Lowering cost of sales
    • Increase repeat customer rates
    • Lowering of overhead expenses
    • Overcome recent rise in the Canadian dollar if you are an exporter

    How we do this:

    Organizational design and structure follows your company’s vision, mission and strategy and it is important that your organizational structure is in line with your current strategy. Organizational design is about how the work gets done. We examine the link between the goals of your company and how managers and your staff are working to achieve those objectives. We work closely with your senior management team to establish the requisite organization for your company’s success and mitigate the risks of your company flaming out due to poor results and insufficient growth.

    In order for you to reach this perfect alignment we help you achieve the following:

    • The optimal number of layers for your organization structure
    • No compressions (jam ups) or gaps within your organization structure levels to enable employees to use their full capabilities, clear roles, clear accountabilities and authorities
    • Well understood cross-functional relationships
    • Fair performance management and compensation systems
    • assessment methods and a talent pool system that identifies the best people for hiring or promotion
    • Ensure that you have the right organization structure and people for each stage as your company grows.

     The process we follow:

    1. Conduct an analysis of your organization with a report outlining the issues and options to achieve the right organization to win in these tough times. Usually there will be cost savings and productivity gains as a result of the review.
    2. Finalize your new organization with senior team by developing a clear structure, role descriptions, accountabilities and authorities for the senior team.
    3. Introduce assessment methods to ensure that your people are well placed and to identify high potential people to drive growth.
    4. Use a cascading process to implement the new structure and new roles for your people.
    5. Establish new accountabilities and authorities and clarifying cross-functional relationships for your people.
    6. Carry out a review of your policies and systems.
    7. Implement leadership training modules for your managers covering: selection, setting context, assigning tasks, building teamwork among subordinates, team planning, continuous improvement, monitoring work and output of subordinates, coaching, performance review and de-selection.

    CEOs share their experience in using Requisite Organization to design and manage their organizations.

    The following report is a summary of Requisite Organization principles and state-of-the-art organization development methods based on a series of workshops presented to CEOs and Presidents on how to obtain 20 percent to 40 percent productivity and growth without capital infusion.

    To access the full version of this report please fill out the form below.

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