More and more executives in small and mid-sized businesses are realizing that marketing has become so complex that they need help - not only in the doing of marketing (which can be done by juniors), but more specifically in the thinking, planning and strategizing of exactly what kinds of marketing to do, and why. It actually becomes a question of innovation, growth, efficiencies and [...]
Legal marketing re-defined Too many small and midsize firms give up when competing against the big guys with big money behind them. They feel that they can't compete, so they don't. And that is a big mistake. They can and should compete, but they should not simply copy the big firms. They need to find smart ways to outflank them. With thanks: It’s actually quite [...]
Is marketing productivity enhanced or hindered by new technology and back to in-office mandates? I came across this article on recently and it led to me thinking about marketing productivity, and how it is evolving giving the rise of technology, AI, remote working, "back to office mandates", creativity and interaction with peers. As ease of access to marketing tools increases, and [...]
Leadership. Open minds. Parking your Ego. Gathering previously unknown information. Understanding Real Strategic Marketing vs. Digital Marketing. Strategic Mindset vs Tactical Mindset. These are the critical components that will allow you, as a leader in an organization, to facilitate business growth in an organized and logical way. It will enable you to navigate the waters of complexity and [...]
The marketing presentation A few years ago, I did a marketing presentation to a prospective client. I explained that we are not selling anything, but that our goal was to help him be successful with his business. We would use our business process to find opportunities for his company to become a leader in his market and we would help him to implement the strategy that we (him and us) would [...]
The chief marketing officer at a big company has an impossible job. The typical duration of a CMO is 18 months because once the CEO realizes that hype for money can’t solve their problems, they get restless. The problem lies in what people think “marketing” is. Marketing isn’t paying for ads, changing the logo or building a social media presence. Marketing is product design, [...]
What is a Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (FCMO)? A Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (FCMO) is a professional marketing executive that can be a game changer for your business. Hiring the right FCMO provides the company with extraordinary marketing expertise, helps you grow your business and generate innovative ideas all while you can stay focused on other important tasks. FCMO's are Chief[...]
The Canadian government's current program to help cover marketing expenses targeting export activities is a major opportunity for organizations looking to expand their market across the border. It covers a wide array of areas including specific marketing, legal, business, and tax matters. Most importantly you could have the government fund up to 75% of eligible expenses, but only if you have it [...]
April 2020 and we are living in crazy times. Locked away in our homes, many of us not able to work. So what will the future of Small Business look like when we emerge from our COVID-19 internment. Brent Kobayashi of Kobayashi + Zeitguys interviews Neville Pokroy, President of Mastermind Solutions, and together they muse about what the world of business and marketing during and after the [...]
Whether you are an Influencer or you are using Influencers to promote your products or services, you’ll want to make sure you understand the implications of Influencer Marketing and stay on the right side of the law. Truth in advertising is important. As an influencer, consumers rely on the opinions you share online about products and services, and believe they are genuine and impartial. [...]
Mastermind Solutions is a multi-disciplined consulting firm comprising of highly experienced professionals. We are committed to attaining the highest customer satisfaction by providing accelerated solutions to your business challenges.
We specialize in Business Growth. We deliver to clients' a sustainable future by helping them define where and how they wish to grow. And then we make that happen, together with you.
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