• The days of compartmentalizing business functions into tightly controlled areas of influence (like marketing, sales, operations etc) are long gone - we just need to accept this Change Reality and buy into a new way of thinking: Business Growth. "Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning."  Thomas Edison It is no coincidence that Edison had the foresight and [...]

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    During tough economic times, businesses need to look to all available opportunities (including government funding) in order for them to maximize their business growth. So why not leverage some of the taxes you pay by finding out whether there are Government Grants and Government Secured Loans available to fund your growth initiatives? Government grants and secured loans can fund business growth[...]

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    Question: Why is a marketer with strategic insight, a business sense, and an eye for opportunity so valuable in a business? Answer: He will be the first person to identify growth opportunities. How does he do it? He walks in the shoes of your customer and can identify what you need to do for that customer to attract him to your company.  It is this ability and insight that most people in a [...]

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    A number of years ago I was given a task by a cash retail company: generate loyalty from our cash customers. The first cash retail loyalty program in the world I created a free Club for the customers to join and then had to manage the loyalty program that was part of the club. At the time, this was the first full-scale loyalty program for a major cash retailer in the world.  After a year we had[...]

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    Forget about laptops, iPods, iPads, desktops - technology is advancing more rapidly than we ever imagined  So when will we reach the point of not really needing our brains?  As long as you have technology at your fingertips, maybe that day will arrive in the not too distant future :-). if you have a smartphone you really only need to know one thing: how do I work it?  Don't stress your brain[...]

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    Mastermind Solutions, a Toronto based management consulting organization that focuses on business growth through strategy, marketing, finance and organizational design and Corporate Renaissance Group (CRGroup), a leading provider of business software and performance management solutions, today announced a strategic alliance to bring a full suite of complementary services to the mid-market business[...]

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    Going on vacation this December? If you're heading out of town and maybe even out of country, I bet you have done the following things: Agreed on the timing with your family Decided on a destination (and booked the hotel if applicable) Decided how you are going to get there and booked your mode if travel (if necessary) Booked a rental car (if needed) Checked that your passport is still valid[...]

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    Owners, executives and management today are faced with a dramatically different and changing environment, one that they have never faced in the history of their businesses. The new and ever evolving (and lightning fast) digital space, combined with rapidly evolving demographics has dramatically changed forever the playing field upon which we enter ever morning of our business lives.  Why?  [...]

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