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  • Are you, as a business owner, faced with the challenge of having someone lead your accounting function who lacks the necessary experience in managing financial operations? It's a common scenario among SMEs, where individuals in roles such as Controller (or alternatively titled Accountant, Office Manager, or Accounting Manager) often possess sound accounting fundamentals but lack comprehensive [...]

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    Five ideas to make your Controller a contributor to the success of your business

    Business owners: you can make your Controller a contributor to the success of your business During my consultations with business leaders, I am often struck by the restrictions they have placed on their Controllers because of management’s limited expectations of this finance role. For this purpose, I am using the title Controller generically, to reflect any role that is the head of the [...]

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    Government funding can help you expand your markets via increased marketing activities

    The Canadian government's current program to help cover marketing expenses targeting export activities is a major opportunity for organizations looking to expand their market across the border. It covers a wide array of areas including specific marketing, legal, business, and tax matters. Most importantly you could have the government fund up to 75% of eligible expenses, but only if you have it [...]

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    Managing your business through Key Performance Indicators provides you with valuable, decision-making information Our blog today is a conversation with our collaborator Paul Pittman Founder and President at The Human Well, who assists public, private and family businesses with human resource challenges based on practical first-hand experience. Paul Pittman: “James, are Key Performance [...]

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    Canada EU CETA It was 4 years in the making, and the timing of the signing of the Canada-European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) in the light of the protectionist approach being promoted by the new Donald Trump administration should not be overlooked.  The timing for business expansion into new markets may be just right for you. Yes, the USA is Canada’s [...]

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    An article in the September 2016 edition of Building magazine titled Bases Covered, Why a Due Diligence Review is essential in a business acquisition, discussed both why a due diligence review is essential for the acquirer and also the significant benefits to the seller of preparing for a review. In the article James Phillipson, Founding Principal of Mastermind Solutions Inc. was quoted “I [...]

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    In an article in the September 2016 edition of The Canadian Business Journal, the writer of an article on "Due Diligence, Preparing for a review", cited James Phillipson, Founding Principal of Mastermind Solutions Inc. as a subject expert. James said “In the ongoing day-to-day running of a business, many potential obstacles may have been accepted by the current owners and are not top-of-mind, [...]

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    During tough economic times, businesses need to look to all available opportunities (including government funding) in order for them to maximize their business growth. So why not leverage some of the taxes you pay by finding out whether there are Government Grants and Government Secured Loans available to fund your growth initiatives? Government grants and secured loans can fund business growth[...]

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    In the last issue of the Mastermind newsletter, we shared four tips for improving the budgeting process.  Those were just the tip of the iceberg!  Here are four additional ideas on how to make your budgeting cycle work for you – all year long! #5 Test Scenarios and Simulations In many cases, when budgets are being developed by teams it is an exercise of entering what is “expected to [...]

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    Budgeting is likely not high on your list of favourite things to do – or anyone else’s, for that matter. Nonetheless, budget time comes around each year like clockwork. Business units complain about the amount of time the process will take and managers grumble over conflicting goals. Meanwhile, it’s up to you to ensure that the budgets are submitted and approved on time. All you can hope [...]

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