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  • Why most smaller businesses need a marketing coach

  • Marketing is getting complex and, as a result, very complicated for the average business person.

    The graphic below is a case in point (Just click on the image and it will open full screen – then you can scroll to see it in all its glory).

    Complexity drives the need for a marketing coach

    Complexity drives the need for a marketing coach

    However please realize that this graphic is just showing you the Marketing Technology space – it does not represent the over 100 other marketing tactics that are available to you.  Many people actually believe that the only way to market is through digital or online – that is totally false and leads believers to miss the boat in a serious way.

    DIY marketing often follows that misconception; while easy from a pure “doing” perspective it is becoming passe because of the choices and complexity: “how do you know that your decisions are correct?”  DIY is for followers – not leaders; and companies looking to improve their performance will take this a lot more seriously.

    Why most smaller businesses need a marketing coach

    Therein lies the challenge, and the reason why most smaller businesses need a marketing coach.  If you can employ a full time, experienced marketer, then go ahead.  With all the choices now facing you, you will need one.  But if you don’t believe you can afford such a person, then ask for help from a marketing coach.  Someone that can walk you through the complexities and ensure that your decisions are sound and reasonable.  The days of just throwing ideas against a wall and hoping that something sticks is long gone.  These days you need to have someone with a good marketing background and years of experience to help with decision making, as well as with implementation.

    Expecting a person that has no marketing training to be able to do a sound job of marketing is rather unfair.  In most cases you are setting that person up for failure.  And please realize that bad decisions cost real money today – and lots of it.  Marketing is not cheap.  But it is critical to your success and betterment.

    What can a smaller business expect from a marketing coach?

    If you feel that your business cannot afford a full-time marketer, don’t despair. A marketing coach can walk you through the marketing process and can help you decide how to deal with your marketing needs.  No, you also don’t need to learn it all at once – it has become far too complex for that.

    A great marketing coach is an individual with a wealth of knowledge in every area of marketing. He brings experience and understanding to the process while at the same time he has the wisdom and capacity to allow the business and the management team to be itself. In other words he is a facilitator.

    A marketing coach can advise on the steps to take, when to take each step, and outline what the costs will be. A coach teaches you when, why, and how to employ a full range of marketing tools – from redesigning a website, to creating articles or white papers, starting a blog, implementing a CRM or marketing automation process, conducting podcasts, and developing advertising campaigns.

    And finally, a marketing coach can help you find highly successful marketing strategies and marketing plans that you can leverage, sometimes without spending a cent.

    Think of your marketing coach as your secret weapon – helping to guide you to that marketing leadership position that will make you stand out from the crowd.

    Can I do this remotely?

    Absolutely.  A great coach can be with you in your office, without having to be physically present.  With technology as it is today, a phone call, a skype call or other capabilities allow a coach to be present at the touch of a button.  And the cost – well it is far more reasonable than you could ever imagine.  Just complete the form on the right or below and request a call – I’d be happy to create a program specifically for you.  To meet your needs and within your budget.  It may only take a few hours a week or a month – after all, it is your business that we want to help.

    OR CALL NEVILLE RIGHT NOW 1-844-647-6984 Ext 1