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  • Social Media is Bullshit – true or false?

  • According to author B.J. Mendelson in his recent book “Social Media is Bullshit”:

    “We live in a world where it is far easier to make money telling people how to get rich using the Internet than it is to actually get rich using it”.

    Social media has legions of fans as well as critics, and try as one may, any attempt to sway them from whichever position they hold would be a waste of time and energy.  As with any sensible debate, one should always look at both sides of the argument and weigh up the relevant pros and cons.  The purpose of this post is to share with you some third party resources that will put forth their views, give you the opportunity to hear the author’s (B.J. Mendelson) viewpoints directly, and subsequently give you the tools to come to your own conclusion.

    It’s not about right or wrong, because each and every one of us will have different needs and circumstances that will be automatically touched by social media and that social media debate.  View the information from your personal perspective, and then consider it from the viewpoint of your customers, your colleagues, your friends and your target audience.  Challenge yourself to see it from the perspective of each of these groups – you may just find that the answer keeps on changing.

    And so, 2013 arrives and we look at the predictions that always provides some insights and some chuckles.  Here are a few:

    So, are you more convinced, one way or another?  Or just more confused?  Whatever your state of mind, one thing I can guarantee: 2013 will be another banner year for “The Noise” of Social Media.  Take in the ride because, like it or not it is here to stay and will inevitably impact the culture and the lifestyle we all live – socially or in business.  Your challenge is to simply find out how it best fits for you and embrace it as best you can.  Enjoy the ride!

    Neville Pokroy consults in the areas of strategic marketing planning, as well as in the development and execution of marketing strategies and plans. He assists companies who require marketing expertise to plan and fully execute marketing programs.   He helps them make good strategic marketing choices.  If you want to have more choice in business growth strategy, marketing your business, setting yourself apart, and increasing the odds of generating additional revenue for your business, call (905)886-2235, email: neville@mastermindsolutions.ca or visit our website.  Please follow me on Twitter: @smaaketer