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    With thanks: Free Stock photos by Vecteezy I recently read a blog by Seth Godin, titled: "No thank you".  I have included the blog in it's entirety at the bottom of this page. The theme of the blog was about expressing gratitude to people, but in a meaningful way, rather than relying on "the easy way out".  He talks about ChatGPT offering to write a thank you note for you. This theme of [...]

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    I have been saying this for years.  Change is upon us and as a business executive or leader making important decisions you only have 2 choices: either embrace change or become a casualty.  It really is as simple as that. Just ask Target, Sony, Mexx, Smart Set, Jacob, Holt Renfrew (some stores), Sears Canada, Future Shop who are just some of the high profile casualties.  Ask some of the Wal Mart[...]

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