Holistic Marketing Mix Strategy includes Product, Pricing, Distribution & Promotion for Maximum Value
Marketing is more than just communications. It is about the total interaction between you and your customer, and that involves a transaction where they buy something from you, pay you a price for it and then enjoy the fruits of their purchase.
Marketing, and in particular, strategic marketing works hard to make sure that all elements that that transaction represent the greatest value to both the seller (you) and the buyer (your customer). If it was only about communicating with the seller, then what you have to offer would not be important – and we know that is not the case. So, how can you really market your offering without taking the other elements of the marketing mix into consideration.
Our strategic marketing process involves coordinating all the elements of the marketing mix together, making sure the total package provides value to all parties, and then focuses on how to communicate that to the customer.
Don’t short-change yourself and only think about the Promotional elements like advertising, social media, events, design, copy, PR, etc etc. The products and services (existing, possible new ideas etc), how they are distributed and delivered, as well as the manner in which you price them (offer discounts, warranties etc) are even more important than the communications pieces. Get those elements dealt with first and the communications pieces will fall into place much easier.
Here are just a few tips on some ideas you may never have considered before: Products/Services, Pricing and payment, Other Communications ideas