• Marketing Audit – identify your marketing opportunities

  • Capitalize on over 150 marketing opportunities with the marketing audit

    Mastermind’s marketing audit is a unique tool, which will helps you to develop effective marketing plans for your organization. This tool assists you in making better marketing decisions for your organization.  It will ensure that you have a comprehensive marketing plan for growth.

    The Marketing Audit will create business growth

    We will help you identify all the marketing opportunities that are available to your company. We will also evaluate your current plan (if you have one) and highlight new areas of potential growth. The marketing audit is available in a questionnaire format that forces you to address all the issues that relate to traditional and digital marketing.  Find out what you are missing.  It will help your company grow.

    150+ Marketing ideas

    The marketing audit identifies over 150 marketing ideas.  Most organizations consider less than 20.  If that is your organization, you have a huge marketing “opportunity gap”.  Find out what you are missing.  Call us today (905) 886-2235.

    Article on Strategic Marketing Planning

    First Step Survey- it’s FREE
    Click here to take the first step in your marketing plan

    If you are interested in a marketing audit, and wish to identify your “opportunity gap”, please contact Neville Pokroy: 416-904-8647. Or complete the form below:

      Your Name (required)

      Company Name


      Your Email (required)


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