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October 2013: Saving lives a tough sell…
Pave Your Own Road to Get the Big Bang for Business | US Daily
By Neville Pokroy, Special for USDR. One of the biggest misunderstandings about marketing is that it is all about communications: things like social media…
Big Bang for Business: 8 Steps to Create Explosive Growth | View as PDF
Mastermind marketing plan culminates in Top 3 award for legal client
Neville Pokroy quoted in the Financial Post, Oct 12, 2010 on Growing a Business
Big Bang for Business – new strategic insights for Small and Midsize businesses
History paints the picture for the future – Trading Options Lab
The Psychology of Marketing: Demographics vs Psychographics
Toronto-Based Consulting Organization Launches A Digital Umbrella
“Being prepared isn’t just for boy scouts” – Neville Pokroy interviewed in the Mississauga Business Times, September 2008 | View as PDF
Toronto-Based Consulting Organization Commits Itself To A Sustainable Future
Mastermind has developed a “Big Bang” concept of strategy planning that will provide organizations with dramatic insight to their business questions by combining:
- the understanding of the current business reality – the conscious minds – as seen through the eyes of the management team, with
- a view of the current reality through the sub-conscious minds of the management team
By comparing and identifying gaps between the conscious and the subconscious views of reality, never-before opportunities will be identified that will allow the team to quickly, and with total consensus, develop a revised strategic approach to answering their most pressing business questions and challenges.
Hear the voice of your customers. Hear the voice of your competitors. Understand the needs of your market – find our more about our new Competitive Intelligence and Market Research service.
You have to work hard at being a creative thinker – find out more about our Simplex system of applied creativity that connects a process of creative problem solving with skills and tools to make that process work.
Canada’s Controller Coach – find out more about how your finance area can become even more effective.