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  • Why do customers leave you?

    Does someone in your business ever-so-often ask, “Whatever happened to (fill in the name) and how come he doesn’t shop with us any more? Several surveys asking this same question…

    Sources of financing

    In these more challenging times, it is important to assess whether your business has the financial resources to weather the impending storm (or at least an economic slow down). Assess…

    Six steps to "recession proof" your company

    Tony Collier (not his real name) ran a very successful manufacturing organization. He had been in business for 12 years and the business had successfully negotiated some troubling times in…

    Key performance indicators

    How can you use key performance indicators (KPI) to measure and help run your business? If you regularly report and investigate fluctuations in the KPIs in your business, you will…

    How many ways can you market your business

    Whenever I speak to people about marketing their businesses there is one question that I always ask them: “How many ways are there to market your business?” OR, if said…