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  • How many ways can you market your company/product/service? A challenge…

  • Have you ever taken five minutes to write down how many different ways there are to market a company?  A product?  A service?  Let me get you started:

    1. Advertising
    2. Social media
    3. Newsletters
    4. Blogs
    5. Business Cards
    6. SEO
    7. Media relations
    8. Writing articles
    9. Personal networking
    10. Testimonials

    Get the idea?

    Here’s my challenge: take 5 minutes right now and see if you can beat my list – which is 150 strong and growing.  Yes that’s right – this is no typo: 150+. If you can’t exceed my number, that’s OK.   However, if you can’t reach 150, just think of how many opportunities you are missing – and many of them are free.  Now, think about it another way.  If you are using the marketing ideas that everyone else is using, and paying for the honour, then two things are happening:

    1. You are in the “sea of sameness” and few people can tell you apart from your competitors; and
    2. You are probably paying too much for your marketing and missing out on those ideas that are cheaper and very often free, and usually more effective and impactful.  Basically, you are spending too much on marketing.

    In business, it’s not simply about shouting the loudest.  It’s about being heard.  And haven’t you heard the saying: “If you want people to listen to you, just whisper!”.  By whispering, you will make sure that the right people are listening, and they are making an effort to hear what you are saying because it is most important TO THEM.  However, don’t get me wrong: whispering is not simply about talking quietly – it’s all about talking appropriately in ways that YOUR AUDIENCE cares about most.

    So, here is my challenge to you.  Are you SHOUTING or are you whispering?  If you feel you are spending too much money on marketing, and you feel that your marketing is not effective enough, I will guarantee you improvements on both fronts.  All you need to do is let me audit your current marketing plan for free and I’ll show you where the improvements could be.  If I can’t accomplish that, your audit is free anyway so you’ll have greater confidence in your current plan.  If I can accomplish that, your tomorrow will be much rosier.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    So, if you are spending more than $50,000 per annum on marketing, and can easily list what you are spending that money on (and how much), just contact me neville@mastermindsolutions.ca and I will explain how we can accomplish this, pain-free.

    Neville Pokroy consults in the areas of strategic marketing planning, as well as in the development and execution of marketing strategies and plans. He assists companies who require marketing expertise to plan and fully execute marketing programs.   He helps them make good choices, particularly with regard to the emerging technologies.  If you want to have more choice in marketing your business, set yourself apart, and increase the odds of generating additional revenue for your business, call (905)886-2235, email: neville@mastermindsolutions.ca or visit our website.  Please follow me on Twitter: @smaaketer