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  • New technologies – am I a dinosaur if I don't use them?

  • The marketing efforts of many small and midsize companies are often caught between using and ignoring the new emerging technologies.  It’s not always about implementing these technologies – that’s the easy part.  Just pay some technogeek and voila – you have a presence.

    The real question owners and marketers for these companies need to ask is NOT: “should I implement these technologies”?  Rather, it IS: “how can these technologies help me and why should I use them”?  Once they have answered that critical question, then, and only then should they be asking the question: “how should I implement them”?

    These days, people are jumping to the HOW question too quickly before understanding the real value of the technologies to their specific circumstances, and asking the WHY question first.  What many people truly miscalculate is the cost to implement these technologies – not just the hard costs in $, but in soft costs like time, energy, focus and effort that is sucked up from their own people.

    QR codes, marketing automation, social media, videos, podcasts – yes, more and more of these tools are becoming mainstream, however they are not universally applicable to all businesses, industries and circumstances.  Don’t get caught up in the hype that “you have to get in to it”, just because everyone else is.  I have come across too many people in the last year that complain to me that marketing does not work because they implemented a technology driven campaign that was not well thought through and had very little rationale with regard to their customers and prospective customers.  Sorry folks, it’s not the fault of marketing.  Look in the mirror and ask yourself whether you truly examined the question: “why should I do this”?

    Technology is a great tool when used properly.  It’s no different to a non-technology tool.  If you use a circular saw in the right circumstances, for the right reasons, and you know how to use it, then your outcome will likely be positive.  If you use the same tool under the wrong circumstances, and you don’t know how to use it properly – beware the outcome (and your fingers!).

    And no, you’re not to feel bad if you decide against using the new technology because it doesn’t work for you.  No one will see you as a dinosaur – except maybe the salesperson you just sent packing.  And really, that doesn’t matter, particularly if he is not your target customer.

    Comments, suggestions or thoughts – please follow me on Twitter: @smaaketer

    Neville Pokroy from the marketing company Mastermind Solutions consults in the areas of strategic marketing planning, as well as in the development and execution of marketing strategies and plans. He assists companies who require marketing expertise to plan and fully execute marketing programs.   He helps them make good choices, particularly with regard to the emerging technologies.  If you want to have more choice in marketing your business and in setting yourself apart, and increase the odds of generating additional revenue for your business, visit our website or call (905)886-2235.